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Dyslexia is a learning difficulty. It is not a disease, but a condition a person is born with. You cannot grow out of dyslexia, neither can you overcome it. You can however make your life easier by using modern technology alongside coping strategies to improve your quality of life or help someone else with dyslexia.

One fairly common, but unknown trait about dyslexics is that they struggle to tell the time on a classic analog clock. If you have dyslexia, the chances are that you will easily be able to say and read-aloud times such as “1 o’clock” or “half past 2”. However, the more complex the time is to process, the more difficult it will be to read.

Not only this, but many with dyslexia also suffer from poor timekeeping. If you regularly find yourself running late or running out of time, this can be annoying. It isn’t your fault if this happens, but you certainly should try and rectify this by putting protocols in place to stop it from happening. If you’re letting other people down to your lateness, you could schedule regular alarms to remind yourself of events before you need to get ready.

Dyslexia is a condition that you must come to terms with and accept. It is not going away, so with the use of modern technology and smartwatches, your life can be made easier, and dyslexia can be managed well.

Best Watches For Dyslexic Adults

SKMEI Mens Sport Watch (Budget Choice)

SKMEI is a Chinese brand that designs low-cost, budget watches. The sport watch is essentially as tough as a Casio G-Shock and very usable for those who have trouble telling the time.

It has a very large and bright digital display with a backlight, so you will never have trouble reading the numbers. Even if you do have trouble reading the numbers due to your dyslexia, that is fine too. The watch is able to read aloud the time by pressing the button at the bottom. It will instantly tell you whatever the time is.

You’re also able to set alarms on this watch if you have trouble with timekeeping. This is not essential but is a nice optional extra.

Check The Price Of SKMEI Watches On Amazon

Apple SmartWatch Series 3

Apple provides a good smartwatch for those who have trouble reading the time. The watch will be able to set itself automatically as soon as it is connected to wifi or 4g/5g. After this, it will be able to look after itself and will never need changing. In addition to this, the watch can be used in the same way as any other Apple product. Simply ask Siri the time and he will tell you.

Another cool feature on the apple watch is for dyslexic people who have trouble with timekeeping. The ability to set several reminders will allow you to keep on top of your time management. If this is something you struggle with, you can set as many reminders as you like throughout the day.

The Apple smartwatch will not stand out from any other watch since they’re so common. If you were self-conscious about your time-telling ability, nobody will bat an eyelid if you were wearing or talking to your smartwatch. Overall this is probably the best watch for dyslexic adults.

Check The Price Of Apple SmartWatches On Amazon

Five Senses Talking Watch

Five Senses watch is a talking watch that is extremely accurate. As the watch syncs with atomic clocks (USA atomic clock is located in Colorado) you will never need to change the time. Every night the watch will automatically synchronize itself no matter what your timezone.

The display is very bright and large. It shows the day of the week alongside the time in big digits. If you are still unable to read the time very well, this is no problem either. As the watch is aptly named, it can tell the time for you. Simply press the top right button and the watch will read aloud the time.

If you want a watch with timekeeping reminders, this is probably not the watch for you. However, if you’re just having trouble telling the time due to your dyslexia, this will certainly help.

Check The Price Of FiveSenses Watches On Amazon

Best Watches For Dyslexic Kids

EasyRead Time Teacher

The Time Teacher may look like it’s overly complicated, but it’s actually more about making it easier to kids to tell the time. Dyslexia is all about how the brain processes information.

As the time teller is a watch that has been specifically designed for dyslexic kids, it breaks this information down into more manageable chunks. The system of the watch allows kids to follow a systematic set of instructions, rather than simply locate where the hands are and recall a time from memory.

The watch is divided into two sections (past & to) and offers lots of different colors. Each 5-minute segment is also broken down, as are individual minutes. This information breakdown makes the Time Teacher an essential watch for kids with dyslexia. It’s not that they would never be able to tell the time on a regular clock. But this just makes their life that much easier.

An informational video is also supplied if you’re curious about the finer details of exactly how this watch works.

Check The Price Of The Easyread Time Teacher On Amazon

Atomic Talking Watch

This Atomic Talking Watch was originally designed for visually impaired people. However, it also has its use for dyslexic kids who haven’t learned to tell the time, or have significant difficulty in doing so.

As the watch functions by synchronizing with an atomic clock, this means it just needs to be set once and will follow the said clock. It will not need to be adjusted for daylight savings time and will do so automatically. Atomic clocks are extremely accurate and are the most reliable way we have of telling the time.

You have probably guessed by the name of the watch. It tells you the time, so you don’t have to look and process the numbers. One simple press of a button will recite the exact time back to you. This watch is not as colorful as some of the other kid’s watches but is very simple and easy to use.

Check The Price Of Atomic Talking Watches On Amazon
