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Although it’s not confirmed, it looks like James Dean is wearing a Hamilton Jazzmaster Tonneau watch in the iconic movie, Rebel Without A Cause. Having said this, the jury is still out on this one – as the image isn’t that conclusive. Nonetheless, it has a lot of indicators that it is a Jazzmaster Tonneau.

As seen in the still above, the strap and case shape looks very similar to a Jazzmaster. As Rebel Without A Cause was released in 1955, it also matches up with the release date of the Tonneau at that time. In this movie, James Dean plays the role of Jim Stark which helped catapult his career to new heights. It also showed an iconic, fashionable side to Hollywood which wasn’t as popular beforehand.

Check The Price Of Similar Hamilton Jazzmaster Watches On Amazon

Check The Price Of The Hamilton Jazzmaster On eBay
