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Jocko Willink is an American, ex-marine who is best known for his motivational speeches and no-nonsense attitude to life. He has also been in military conflict several times whilst serving in combat. He is widely known for his Instagram photos that are all in black and white.

These pictures show his wake-up time which is usually around 4AM, or his grueling workout sessions. Whenever he shows his wake-up time, he always shows this on his watch. The watch Jocko Willink wears is the Timex T66801. This watch suits Willink’s mantra perfectly as it is based on durability and practicality.

This watch is also known as a Timex Ironman and is popular amongst triathlon and long-distance runners.

Check The Price Of The Timex Ironman On Amazon

Check The Price Of The Timex T66801 ‘Jocko’ On eBay
